
Tomato plants delivered to CombiVliet phase 4

Source: CombiVliet

On September 5, WPK delivered the first plants for the new greenhouse of CombiVliet phase 4. A very tight planning was made in advance. Since the plants were already quite large, they could not survive that long without water. Certainly not with the high temperatures of last week.

Because the plants have to be in their desired location within a certain time, the entire greenhouse is full in just a few days. After they were placed in the planting hole, the dripper was inserted into the growth block and the plant could absorb water and nutrition as needed.

Finally, the plants were secured to the high-wire hook by CombiVliet. This way they will grow in the right direction in the coming year. The plants are guided by the string, which is rotated around the plant every day.

Our plants are ready to grow together with CombiVliet!

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