
Where does red cabbage from the HAK pot come from?

Source: HAK

That delicious red cabbage that you enjoyed back then, the juicy, real cabbage from HAK, did not just end up in the jar. WPK has been working hard for many years on growing cabbage plants for HAK, among others.

Cabbage plants are often seen as a real winter vegetable, but you can also enjoy this vegetable when the weather is nice. For example, you can make a summer dish of HAK red cabbage with plaice fillet and dill sauce (one of our favorites).

– 1 kg of waxy potatoes
– 3 or 4 plaice fillets
– 100 g low-fat yogurt
– 4 tbsp (60 ml) Dijon mustard
– 1 tbsp honey
– 4 tbsp (60 ml) lemon juice
– 3 tbsp (a handful) of fresh dill
– sunflower oil
– salty
– pepper

To work
1. Mix the yoghurt, mustard, honey, lemon juice and dill in a bowl. Cover the bowl and place it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
2. Peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces.
3. Boil them in salted water for about 15-20 minutes.
4. Season the plaice fillet with salt and pepper.
5. Pour a layer of at least ½ cm of sunflower oil into a large frying pan.
6. Heat the oil over high heat and when the oil is hot (there should be just no smoke coming off), place the plaice in the middle of the frying pan.
7. Turn the heat back to the middle position, leave the plaice alone for a few minutes and fry until brown and done. Wait until the edges turn lightly brown and the fish releases naturally (gently shake the pan to do this).
8. Turn the plaice fillet when it is cooked and brown enough and turn it over for the other side.
9. Heat the red cabbage (do not let it boil).
10. Drain the potatoes and puree them with the red cabbage.
11. Serve the red cabbage stew with the dill sauce

We already know what goodies are on the table tonight. Enjoy your meal!

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