
Sustainable entrepreneurship in Westland

Partly thanks to the Rabo Impact Loan, WPK has ensured that the Opticlear Diamond installation and the solar energy project have been installed. We are pleased that Rabobank has focused even more on sustainable investments since 2016 and has supported us in this. WPK can now commit itself even better to the environment. Using an infographic about social impact, Rabobank has shown how it conducts sustainable banking in the Westland region.

The Opticlear Diamond installation ensures minimal impact on the environment, because 99% of pesticides are now purified from the water. Thanks to the inverted Nanofilter built on the installation, the water can now even be reused. So easy and responsible.

With the new installation we comply with the laws and regulations for the use of specific pesticides. We also protect the environment when producing our vegetable and ornamental plant products. Through our collaboration with Rabobank and our corporate social responsibility approach, our company remains an environmentally friendly and progressive organization.

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