
What an achievement! A brand new cultivation location in four months

To create space and new opportunities for House & Garden, among others, we undertook a major renovation last year together with our partner P. van Geest. In four months, various parties set up a completely new cultivation location that is connected to the existing, adjacent greenhouse, both physically and in terms of energy supplies. Now, a few months after commissioning, the second round of plants is already blooming! In the previous article we already revealed some things about this renovation. Today we would like to tell you more about the approach to this process and take the opportunity to highlight the companies that helped us with this.

When we approached AAB NL at the end of September to ask if they wanted to take on the challenge as project leader, they immediately started making an inventory of the requirements and wishes and creating the design. AAB NL then approached various trusted parties for, among other things, the groundwork, demolition and heating and ensured that they could carry out their work in the correct order.

The actual kick-off took place on December 1, 2020. To start with, the entire greenhouse had to be emptied, almost only the skeleton and the boiler house remained intact. Knijnenburg-Zwirs Kassensloop helped us dismantle the greenhouse and prepare it for heating. It was then up to Klaas Quartel to prepare the groundwork. This allowed the following companies to start with important facilities, such as Royal Brinkman for water technology, GST for heating and Boekestijn Elektrotechniek for electrical installation and lighting. SchermNed then provided the screening in the greenhouse and Zwirs Horti Projects helped us install the corridor and carry out various structural adjustments. Verkade concrete managed to install the ebb and flow floors and pour the path – despite the heavy frost period, during which virtually no concrete could be delivered.

On February 19, the first plants entered the greenhouse and not much later, at the beginning of March, the first department was full of them again. As soon as the last potted plants have been delivered in August, the last items are checked off, so that the greenhouse is more than ready for the growing season of vegetable plants. The second screen installation is then installed by Schermned, the rain pipe is installed by Royal Brinkman and the special hybrid lighting installation from Agrolux and Fluence is installed. More about that later…

Thanks to the professional efforts of all these parties, we have gone from tomato to plant nursery in a very short time. We are extremely grateful to all collaborating parties for this!

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