WPK uses heat storage tank along A59 to recruit operators
Since last month, the A59 has gained a striking object. At exit 32 towards Made, our heat storage tank is equipped with an immense banner. We would like to draw your attention to one of our vacancies. This eye-catcher combines two important developments in the horticultural sector, namely the sustainable way of doing business and the increase in the national personnel shortage.
Sustainability in greenhouse horticulture is high on the political and social agenda, which places high demands on crop protection products, use of fossil fuels and water use, among other things. Our large insulated heat storage tank is one of the many ways in which we do business in a socially responsible manner. The tank has been at this location for a number of years and is used to store hot water for the short term, so that energy can be used more efficiently. Recently it has also been used as a communication tool to recruit operators.
Every day, hundreds of people commute past the storage tank at the main branch in Made. We saw this as a great opportunity to get in touch with potential employees and to draw attention to the call for operators. She hopes to expand her team of more than 50 permanent employees in this way soon.
Like most companies, we notice that the tightness on the labor market and the degree of automation continue to increase. We are currently looking for operators who are responsible for keeping the machines and rolling stock running. In addition, operators are coached internally, so that they can ultimately manage a small group of colleagues themselves. In this position, the focus is on the preparation and implementation of all common activities as a greenhouse horticulture employee.