Working method

Together you will go further
To be able to deliver customized solutions to our customers, cooperation is of great importance.
For instance, we cooperate with various growers regarding the use of greenhouse space. At times when we have a surplus or shortage of space, we work strategically with leading partners in the sector, such as P. van Geest, J & D Grootscholten and Florensis. This way, cultivation space and expertise are used as effectively as possible.
Regarding the deployment of temporary workers, we work closely with WH Personeelsdiensten, among others. Thanks to our good cooperation, they know exactly which people are needed to perform at top level and cope with the high peaks in the high season.
To literally push our boundaries, we also work together with foreign companies. For example, we work with Landi in Switzerland for trayplants customers. In the UK and Poland, agents Kevin Robinson and Tomasz Pieczara – respectively – are on hand to advise customers locally on our hot vegetable plants.

Within WPK, the logistics section is of great importance. From planning customer orders to the capacity of growing rooms, external transport and moving products within the company. These things must all be organized to the finest detail.
In addition, we change crops three times a year. This means that the company has to be converted several times. Naturally, this requires the necessary logistical organization. Because we are well prepared for this and have the necessary experience and expertise, we see this process as a positive challenge every time.
To transport our products from A to B, we have three trucks at our disposal. This is supplemented by trucks from logistics partners, should the need arise.